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This website was designed using the free website designer software Wix. I decided to use a blog post layout as I could make each diary entry as a significant event in the war.


The banner headline was made using images searched from the web. I chose to mix colour images taken of German lines and black and white images of Allied lines to create greater contrast and effect. The music is taken from original recordings at the time taken from YouTube and mixed using the free Audacity software


The talking avatar was made using Crazy Talk software. The image is that of my great grandpa Sydney Hague.




  • The 1914-1918 Western Front Experience - Gary Sheffield (Imperial War Museum) 2008)

  • Men-at-Arms Series: British Territorial Units 1914-18 - Ray Westlake (1991)

  • Great Battles of World War 1 - Anthony Livesy (2003)

  • BBC Bitesize KS3/GCSE webpages

  • Wikipedia - various pages

  • Youtube footage

  • Technical help came from my Dad in his half term holidays!


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© 2014 by Jamie Williams and Mum and Dad

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