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Battle of Cambrai (20th November 1917)

World War 1 is usually remembered for the huge loss of lives of infantry soldiers on both sides with very little actual gain on the ground. But in 1916, a new invention, the tank would change the way battles were fought forever.


The Impact of the Tank - Watch this video

After the significant loss of life in The Somme and mounting losses in Passchendaele, military leaders realised that a different approach would be required to break the German line with a reduced loss of life at the same time. A small number of tanks had been used in the Third Battle of Ypres but with limited success. The first massed tank assault took place during the Battle of Cambrai when 374 fighting tanks plus 98 transport tanks supported by British and French infantry and cavalry regiments undertook a surprise attack against the Germans. It was highly successful.

Plan showing the Battle of Cambrai

Battle of Cambrai.png

The tanks worked in groups of 3. The advance tank crushed the barbed wire and dropped bundles of wood called fascines into the trenches to allow them to cross. The other 2 tanks would protect the supporting infantry from machinegun fire. At the end of the battle only 92 tanks remained. However, the role of the tank showed the advantage could be with the attacker rather than the defender and that machines were here to stay.

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© 2014 by Jamie Williams and Mum and Dad

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